These are a few examples of freehand pen, ink or ballpen drawings that are digitally edited with color and structures
NEW YORK TIMES – Arts and leisure – Getting hungry while babysitting
NEW YORK TIMES – Travel Page – Travelling to Belgium- better conditions in Winter
BURDA YUKOM – No advertising by mail!
FRANKFURTER RUNDSCHAU (Germany) – Going to a restaurant with uneducated kids
SZ-MAGAZIN (Germany) unpublished Students helping fellow students with depression
FRANKFURTEWR RUNDSCHAU (Germany) Essay „I love my mice“
FRANKFURTEWR RUNDSCHAU (Germany) Essay „My three budgies“
FAZ-Sonntag Happily ruined
BURDA Verlag – Breakfast habits: Coffee and Cigarette
BURDA Verlag – Breakfast habits: Big breakfast
BURDA Verlag – Breakfast habits: eating nothing
personal work
BUSINESS WEEK – What to do with your savings